Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"Superstitious Beliefs"

Black cats are bad luck!

              Do you believe in superstition? Actually superstition is a belief with no scientific basis. It is a part of our culture, custom and tradition that came from our ancestors.

             Superstitious beliefs exist everytime and everywhere especially here in the Philippines. We as a filipino are really superstitious believers because of the culture and customs that we preserve. It is usually occurs during fiestas, funeral, new years and other celebrations and penetrations that happened in our lives.For example, one of the family members died, so the family of that person is strictly prohibited to kill a chicken because it is believe that if you kill a chicken, the soul of you dead family member can't go to heaven because the feathers of the chicken represents as a wings of the soul.

              During fiestas we celebrated the birth of our saints. On that time we also have superstitious beliefs like we need to held some foods to our dead love ones to share our 

blessings. We also believe that when one of the plates will crash it is a sign of a bad luck.

              One of the superstitious believers in the Philippines are the pangalatocs because they are really strict in implementing superstition because during funeral every step or action they did there's always a prohibition. For example, they can't watch TV, can't cooked what they want, can't eat the left over snack after the funeral ceremony and etc.

              Every now and then we always have a superstitious beliefs during the wedding. For example the bride is strictly prohibited to wear her wedding gown the day before her wedding because if she did, the wedding will postponed or there's a bad things will happen. For the groom he is prohibited to see her future wife before the day of the wedding ceremony because it leads to a bad luck.

             It is up to you if you are believing or not in superstition. Superstitious beliefs is not a bad luck, hindrance or a guide to our success, it is up to us how we handle the direction of our lives and what God plans for us.

by: Neslin Joy Guillemo